Get Time Off Requests
- start
Character in format "YYYY-MM-DD". Only show time off that occurs on/after the specified start date.
- end
Character in format "YYYY-MM-DD". Only show time off that occurs on/before the specified end date.
- id
(optional) Integer - A particular request ID to limit the response to.
- action
(optional) - Limit to requests that the user has a particular level of access to. Legal values are: "view" or "approve".
- employee_id
(optional) Character - A particular employee ID to limit the response to.
- type
(optional) - A vector of time off types IDs to include limit the response to. Default is all types are included.
- status
(optional) - A vector of request status values to include. Legal values are "approved", "denied", "superseded", "requested", "canceled". Default is all status types.
- api_version
(optional) - Version of API to use to make request. Default is "v1".
A tibble::tibble()
if (FALSE) {
# find valid valid types
types <- get_timeoff_types()
type_ids <- types %>% tidyr::drop_na(id) %>% dplyr::pull(id)
res <- get_timeoff_requests("2022-01-01", "2022-02-01", type = type_ids)
res2 <- get_timeoff_requests("2022-01-01", "2022-02-01", action = "approve",
status = c("approved", "denied"))
res3 <- get_timeoff_requests("2022-01-01", "2022-02-01", employee_id = "4")